Lorraine and Trish meet beauty power house Caroline Hirons for a frank and funny chat about bringing up four children, building a super successful career in her 40s, being a midlife grandma and her honest facts about skin as we age.
Holistic therapist Estelle Bingham, aka The Heart Whisperer, explains how to release our hidden energy in order to get out of a rut, recover from loss, trauma, grief or heartache & find a vibrant new energy for midlife. Follow along with her mini meditation and discover how to raise children to be in tune & comfortable with their emotions.
Dr Rupy Aujla explains why he’s changed his mind on exactly how much protein women in midlife need as he shares the new research in his latest cookbook, Healthy High Protein. Hear about his best protein-boosting recipes for veggies and meat eaters, discover what it really does for your body (clue it’s way more than just muscle building), and what you really need to know about protein shakes and supplements.
Psychotherapist, dating mentor and family counsellor Lucy Cavendish explains what to do if you think your relationship is floundering, has already hit the rocks or you’re ready to get back in the dating game. Her helpful advice includes what next if you think you’ve married the wrong person as well as questions to ask yourself if you want to rescue your relationship.